


短期間ですが軽のハコバンにプロパンやらコンロやらポンのマシーンやら乗せて小学校の前とか 商店街とか 公園の横とか スーパーの横とかでポンポンやってたときありました。


Anytime I find good old pop rice made and sold on street, I just cannot resist buying a bag.
It’s maybe because I once made and sold puffed rice by myself more than 10 years ago, as one of my younger friends invited me to do it. 
It was only for a short while, but I got a small van stuffed with a gas tank, cooker, pop machine and so on, and I would bang loudly in front of an elementary school, on a shopping street, by a park or a supermarket.
That takes me back.

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