紙仕事 paper work

紙の基礎を教わったのが 徳島県麻植郡山川にある阿波和紙でした。


ぼくの仕事場からは 片道、車で6〜7時間(下道)かけて一つ二つの紙づくりに関する質問をもって会いに行っていました。








改めて本当によくしていただいたなぁ 本当にお世話になったなぁ


ぼくの紙づくりの最後の課題は 道具作りでした。            道具を知るのに10年かかりましたが、それも去年完成してこの春最初の紙が出来始め 久しぶりに紙を見て頂きたいと想いを巡らせていました。




I learned the basics of papermaking at
Awa-washi, in Yamakawa, Oe-gun, Tokushima. A few weeks ago, the master passed
away. He was 98 years old.

I used to drive 6-7 hours (without using
highway) from my studio to see him with a question or two about papermaking.

In between main topics or as an aside, he
would kindly tell me all kinds of stories other than about papers. Any time I
popped in from their house’s engawa veranda, he warmly welcomed me. As well as
his stories and knowledge, which was a great help, I have been hoping to learn more
from his quality and behavior.

His stories covered the life in Japan about
100 years ago and based on his own life survived through all those years to
today. And in those treasurable stories, he often referred to the war. He
always added we should never go to war again.

There were funny stories as well as stories
about hard times.

At all times he was filled with curiosity;
he was a real master I have known.

On the way back from his funeral, I could
not stop tears welled up in my eyes.

I lost a reason to travel this route that I
used to drive so frequently.

When I think back, he did me so well; I owe
him so many obligations, and I am so thankful for him.

My last challenge in papermaking was making

It took me 10 years to know the tools, and
finally last year I had my own. I started to make first sheets of papers with
them this spring and was just wondering about visiting him to ask him to see my
papers after a long time.

My papermaking for this season finished. Now
I move onto dye.

As long as I do this work, I will continue,
day by day, putting what I leaned from him into practice within myself.

 With my gratefulness.
