

写真下は、左が友達でこの分野の先生、真ん中がおれ、右がおじさん、ブリュッセルを拠点に活躍してる…..この人のことを書くと一冊の本になるので、簡単に、役者で、脚本家、舞台監督、兼 劇団のボス。ヨーロッパに入ると必ず会うようにしています。

Six years ago I visited a papermaker in Belgium.

There she uses paper making tools made in Britain. It’s for “Tamezuki” method (forming a sheet of paper by a single scoop of pulp in water).

The photo below shows my friend, a papermaker on the left, myself in the center and my uncle on the right. My Brussels based uncle has been very active – he is an actor, writer, director, and leader of a theater company, for short. I could write a book about him! Any time I go to Europe, I pay a visit to him.

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