A month-long motorbike trip 13/30

It’s a paper mulberry (Kozo)! In the end of June, Jigokudani, Nagano,

kozo had plenty of fruits in slightly dusky orange.

I have found Kozo (material of Japanese handmade paper) miraculously

anywhere I went.

Last year, in Goto Islands, for instance…

Around my studio, too.

This explains that

Kozo is such a common plant that grows everywhere.


In the room I stay

I found a book looking as above.

Since I was wide awake due to a long nap

I unintentionally picked it up


in the page I unintentionally opened

I found Kozo!

In the book of more than 306 pages long…

Well, this happens.

I could explain it as

a fortune, encounter, coincidence necessity or something else.

What amuses me is reality.


*(As I hardly had any wifi during this trip, I wrote articles from 1/30-30/30 all at once after coming back. )

Click here to read the articles from the beginning. 


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