Batik – 10

いよいよロウを 落とします。Finally, removed the wax.

嬉しいです。Simply xcited to see this!

職人さん達が みんなで写真を撮ろう!
と 言ってくれました。
ここに写ってる以外にもここの家族の方々 とあと2人の職人さん
この方達のおかげで 本当にいい時間を過ごせました。
Matur Nuwun!!!

People at the workshop joined in the photo. There are two other craftsmen plus the family member who owns the shop who aren’t in this picture. They helped me a lot! Thanks to them, I had such a good time. They all were good-hearted people. It was ten fulfilling days I had here. Thank you very much!!

職人さんと 昼ごはん!Today’s lunch.