A month-long motorbike trip 27/30

I came down to Bikers’ Dream.

Reunited with Mr.T.

A pit stop.


The parts I ordered had already been delivered

to replace old ones.

The chain and both front and rear sprockets

that enabled me to travel 10,000km to many different places.



…is he doing??

I see!

He made a floor lamp

that has a memorable story of 10,000km.

Mr. T gave

a new life to

the worn-out parts.

When I get home, I will wrap some washi around it

and enjoy

the collaboration of motorbike parts and washi!

I collaborated with Mr.T

10 years ago, too

to create a work of iron and washi.

He always gives me wonderful inspirations!


*(As I hardly had any wifi during this trip, I wrote articles from 1/30-30/30 all at once after coming back. )

Click here to read the articles from the beginning.