22 December/ Harvested Kozo

According to Japan’s traditional calendar,

There are certain period of time when we should be refrain from cutting trees or construction: It’s called tsuchi.

As the tsuchi in December ended,

I harvested Kozo.

Every year, I observe the condition of Kozo to plan when to harvest

and that random planning ends up doing the same things in almost in the same time every year.

Facebook sometimes reminds us with old posts from 1 or 2 years ago

and my post about harvest had appeared around the same time of the year

I have been doing this for almost 15 years.

The Kozo trees I cut are from: our field, mountain, roadside, around my studio,

old road that was used before the new one completed, and the path to my studio.

These are the places that became my regular choice.

The skull of a male deer I found in the forest.


I ended the day with getting prepared for tomorrow!